The Cozy Comfort of Swaddling: Helping Your Baby Feel Secure
Newborn babies are so precious, but it can take them some time to adjust to their new environment after spending 9 months in the cozy womb. That's why swaddling is good technique that can help soothe and calm a newborn's nervous system because it mimics the feeling of being in the womb and provides a sense of warmth and comfort that can help make a baby feel secure. It can also help to prevent
Moro Reflex
, also known as the startle reflex. When baby experience Moro reflex, they will extend their arms and legs outward and then bring them back to their body in hugging motion. Swaddling help to suppress this reflex, allowing newborns to sleep soundly.
Swaddling has been used for centuries to help newborns feel more secure, comfortable and relaxed. But how do you choose the right swaddle for your baby? Here are some things you might need to consider:
Personal preference
: Every baby is different. Some of them might prefer a looser swaddle while others might prefer a snugger one. There are different types of swaddles such as baby sleep sack, cocoon swaddles, traditional swaddle blankets and so on. Pay attention to your baby's cues and adjust or change your swaddle accordingly.
: Choose a swaddle made of breathable and thin material, especially if you live in a hot and humid place like Malaysia. Muslin cotton, bamboo swaddle, and other swaddle made from thin jersey fabric are great options. Avoid synthetic materials because that can trap heats and might cause heat rashes.
Thickness of swaddles
: It's good idea to have different types of swaddles on hand. Use a thinner and more breathable swaddle during warm weather, and a slightly thicker swaddle at night or on rainy days.
Monitor your baby's temperature
: Check your baby's temperature frequently by feeling their chest or back. If they feel too warm, remove a layer, change to thinner swaddle or adjust your room temperature.
Don't wrap the swaddle too tight
: The swaddle should be snug but not too tight. Make sure your baby can breathe comfortably and move their legs and hips freely.
Swaddling can be a great way to help your baby feel secure and comfortable during the first few months of life. With the right swaddle and technique, you can help your baby feel safe and snug as they adjust to the world around them.